FNIK Websitekasser2018-05-14T11:23:31+00:00 FNIK: A PR agency that undertakes various traditional and online public relations tasks for some high profile clients. The brief was to create an eccentric but also business-like design to reflect the philosophy of the company. Visit WebsiteDeliverables Responsive Website A content management system was used to allow the client to onward develop material as needed. Atlas Builds Websitekasser2018-05-10T07:36:16+00:00 Atlas Builds Website Flamboyent Websitekasser2018-05-10T07:37:16+00:00 Flamboyent Website FNIK Websitekasser2018-05-14T11:23:31+00:00 FNIK Website Sustainnable Websitekasser2018-05-10T07:32:17+00:00 Sustainnable Website PCOMed Websitekasser2018-05-10T07:37:48+00:00 PCOMed Website Ready to Talk? DO YOU HAVE A BIG IDEA WE CAN HELP WITH? Contact Us